来源: | 作者:pmo310f76 | 发布时间: 2020-06-13 | 2785 次浏览 | 分享到:
  融合学科(FOS-Fusion of subjects)是指承认学科差异的基础上不断打破学科边界,促进学科间相互渗透、交叉的教育教学活动。启元国际实验小学一直坚持融合学科与分学科的融合的具象教学活动的开展。5月11日经上级相部门批准正式复学之后,启元学校组建了专项研究小组,针对如何在各学科教育教学中渗透“防疫”安全教育进行了研讨与计划。近日,英语部教师带领启元学子结合疫情在英语世界中围绕生命教育开展了系列探究学习。通过学习,学生更了解了世界各国疫情发展状况,以世界小公民的身份去了解与感知世界,培养学生的公民意识,从小树立大国情怀、感恩意识。
  A sudden new corona virus pneumonia disrupted the original rhythm of life. The warm wind in May dispelled the haze of the epidemic and opened the charming cloves. Recently, teachers and students of Qiyuan international experimental school gathered in the campus to carry out life education and help the resumption of classes. This "life education" course guides children to face the "life defense war" correctly, so that they can get useful harvest in this public health event, learn valuable experience, and lay seeds for the healthy development in the future. At the same time, it is also the result of project-based teaching.

  With the help of epidemic resources, English Teacher CICI tap educational resources and open life education classes. Such classes are more flexible and broader. They lead children to treat epidemic situation as the content of learning, gratitude as the content of learning, and life education and family feelings as the most important content of learning.

  In this project-based English class, children spoke enthusiastically about the knowledge, influence and prevention of the sudden epidemic.The Spring Festival could not be celebrated. Enterprises could not be started normally, and schools could not resume classes on time.At the same time, they also showed different human nature. Some people, regardless of their safety, left their families for everyone, resolutely went to the forefront of anti epidemic. Some people were rude and refused to cooperate with the inspection. Others know that they are ill, but they conceal their illness and spread it to more people. But the epidemic has brought us more than that.

  Life is not about its length, but about its meaning. We know that our life is limited, but we can grasp our life with a positive attitude and live a wonderful life. The value of life lies not in life itself, but in dedication. As long as there is dedication, whether it is long-term, unknown dedication, or in a short moment to send out brilliant light, such a life is eternal. In a battle with the epidemic, life, life and ecology are so close to each other. In the process of getting along with nature, what can be done, what can't be done, what must be done, must become a consensus, a character, and a collective memory that can't be forgotten.More important, it is in awe of nature and life.
  What we revere from the heart is not the success stories of celebrities and rich people, but the countless fighters, volunteers and donors from all over the country. They are medical staff, soldiers, farmers and workers.

  Facing the epidemic situation - scientific response. Have respect for common sense, develop habits, and accumulate ability.
  Face the difficulties calmly. Effective management of self emotion, scientific screening of all kinds of information.
  Life is precious, treasure it more. ——In front of the epidemic, see the love and beauty in life, learn to respect life and understand the meaning of life.
  Family company, especially warm. ——In our growth, there is not only competition, but also warmth. The courage to be human is sometimes based on the warmth of the group. This time, we are all "fighting at home".
  Together, we should cultivate the spirit of self-discipline and realize self-management.
  Together, we care about the country and society, discuss and think about the era's mission and self responsibility under the epidemic situation.

  Together, we exercise every day, develop good health habits, and do a good job of self-protection.
  Together, we care about the people and things around us, deliver love and warmth to parents, elders, neighbors, relatives and friends, even strangers around us, so that they can draw upward energy in the warmth of the family.
  This epidemic is an inside out growth for everyone. Facing the compulsory course of life cognitive education, every individual in the epidemic has experienced a test. This makes us think: What does life mean to an individual? For schools, this epidemic prevention and control provides many fresh materials for education, so that this special holiday will become a special experience for every student.
  So, how to let children better understand life and cherish life? As a teachers, we try our best to teach life education as a "required course".
  As a result of project-based teaching, Here are some compositions after the class.